Please reply to:




Karen Wyeth



Committee Services


Direct Line:

01784 446341





30 August 2024



Notice of meeting



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee





Monday, 9 September 2024



7.00 pm



Council Chamber, Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB


To the members of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee




J.R. Sexton (Chair)

C. Bateson (Vice-Chair)

M. Beecher

M. Bing Dong

J.R. Boughtflower

J. Button


S.M. Doran

R.V. Geach

M. Gibson

K.M. Grant

K. Howkins

M.J. Lee


S.C. Mooney

L. E. Nichols

O. Rybinski

H.R.D. Williams



Substitute Members: Councillors

M.M. Attewell, D.C. Clarke, S.A. Dunn, J.T.F. Doran, A. Gale and K.E. Rutherford


Councillors are reminded that the Gifts and Hospitality Declaration book will be available outside the meeting room for you to record any gifts or hospitality offered to you since the last Committee meeting.




                                                                                                                                                   Page nos.




Apologies and Substitutes




To receive apologies for absence and notification of substitutions.








7 - 20


To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 08 July 2024 as a correct record.






Disclosures of Interest




To receive any disclosures of interest from councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for members.






Questions from members of the Public




The Chair, or their nominee, to answer any questions raised by members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 40.


At the time of publication of this agenda 2 questions was received:


Question 1 – Margaret Geraci, Director for Thames Edge Management Ltd


The five-storey height of Thames Edge Court was agreed with the Council to be broadly in keeping with the appearance of the riverfront and the scale of the cinema building it replaced. Does the Committee agree that the apparently proposed maximum height of 30 metres for the new hotel under consideration for the Bridge Street Carpark site in the Conservation Area, almost twice the height of Thames Edge Court and just 20 short metres across the road from it, is wholly inappropriate and unacceptable?



Question 2 – Mr N Rowe, nominated contact for the Riverside Residents (Staines) Coalition


Findings of the Royal Holloway research present a serious challenge to the further development of Staines, not only on groundwater flooding generally but as a potential source of increased flooding risk for existing residents from new large developments. Even the Council’s consultants said in July that the proposed Bridge Street development is “unlikely to be able to be managed to ensure the development would be safe for its lifetime without increasing flood risk elsewhere.” Will the Council therefore insist there is a contractual guarantee from the developer that the proposed development will not increase flood risk for nearby properties?






Annual Complaints Performance 2023-2024


21 - 36


The Committee is asked to note the report on the Council’s complaints performance for the period 01 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.






Housing Complaints Performance and Self-Assessment against Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code


37 - 70


The Committee is asked to:


1.    Receive and respond to the annual report on Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing’s (MTVH) complaint handling performance and learning from complaints, in relation to complaints from residents of Harper House and White House,


2.    Approve the self-assessment of MTVH’s Complaints Policy against the Complaint Handling Code for submission to the Housing Ombudsman Service; and


3.    Appoint a member or committee to fulfil the role of Member Responsible for Complaints (MRC).






Solar Canopies Over 'Eclipse' Leisure Centre Car Park


71 - 78


Committee is asked to:


1.    Authorise a tender process to procure market solutions for the solar canopy car park project; and


2.    Note that the Sustainability Team and the Assets Team will report the outcome of the tender process to this Committee with detailed proposals.






Bus Shelter Maintenance


79 - 82


Committee is asked to:


1.     agree a direct award contract with Clear Channel to maintain the bus shelters in the Borough. This equates to Clear Channel spending £90k p.a. in Spelthorne; and


2.    Authorise the Group Head of Corporate Governance to enter a contract for a period of 3 years with a 2 year extension option (3+2) and any ancillary documentation with Clear Channel.






Q1 Capital Monitoring Report




Committee is asked to note the Capital Programme forecast overspend of £857k for schemes under way or scheduled to commence in 2024-25 or 2025-26 as at 30 June 2024.










Q1 Revenue Monitoring Report




Committee is asked to note the forecast underspend of £46,000 as at 30 June 2024.






Forward Plan


83 - 90


To consider the Forward Plan for committee business.






Urgent Actions




To note those urgent actions which have been taken by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader since the last Corporate Policy and Resources meeting on 08 July 2024.






5 Swimmers Statue


91 - 104


The Committee is asked to:


1.    Authorise the Group Head of Corporate Governance to enter into a long art loan agreement  for the 5 Swimmers statue with Berkeley Homes (or such other appropriate form of agreement as shall be agreed with Berkeley Homes).






Waterfront Development Agreement


105 - 206


The Committee is asked to recommend to Council to:


1.    Approve the Heads of Terms for the Council to enter into an Agreement for Lease with the proposed tenant for the Waterfront Site, Bridge Street, Staines-upon-Thames to facilitate the delivery of a new hotel led regeneration on this prime riverside site,


2.    Delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Leader, to agree any minor variations to the Heads of Terms and the final terms of the Agreement for Lease subject to valuation advice received,


3.    Delegate authority to the Group Head of Corporate Governance in consultation with the Leader to finalise and enter into the Agreement for Lease and any other associated documentation in connection with the grant of the Lease to the proposed tenant; and


4.    Note the Local Government Act S.123 ‘Best Value’ valuation undertaken by Cushman and Wakefield in respect of the proposed terms of this transaction.








Exclusion of Public & Press (Exempt Business)




To move the exclusion of the Press/Public for the following items, in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 and by the Local Government (Access to information) (Variation) Order 2006.






Commercial Property Insurance Renewal


207 - 212


The Committee is asked to:


1.    Approve Option 1, being the award of the Commercial Real Estate Insurance Contract for a period of 1 year from 26 September 2024 as a combined policy with Zurich and Everest at a cost of £794,529 (including insurance property tax (IPT),


2.    Approve the award of the Engineering Insurance Policy and the Engineering Inspection Policy to Zurich for a period of 1 year from 26 September 2024 at a cost of £25,300 (including IPT); and


3.    Authorise the Group Head of Assets to enter into any necessary documentation relating to the selected insurance policies.






Corporate Policy and Resources Chair's Updates




To receive any updates from the Chair of the Committee.


